Modify Fuel Entry

Payment Details
Payment Details Description Amount
Fuel Expense 5000
CGST 6% 300
CGST 6% 300
My name is Pawan -150
Total 5350
Developer Note - When the Vehicle is selected > 1. Fill the Tank Name in the DDL Automatically, 2. Update the Unit in Text Box of Fuel Qty and 3. Autofill Fuel Type from DDL from Tank Name DDL and 4. Change Fuel Unit as per Tank Selection.
Developer Note - User will first Fill the Fuel Amount and Fuel Qty, the Rate should automatically be filled.
Developer Note - Currency Unit should be filled from Currency Master.
Developer Note - If Vendor is not selected then it should go to No Vendor.
Developer Note - When Payment By is selected you will have to create a new entry in payments made to vendor table exactly same amount as incurred in the same date as expense booked.
Developer Note -On Page Load In Payment Details Section, Only DDL with Payment Made will Show Vendor Name/No Vendor, as soon as user will change the DDL Receipt No. and Charges Details table will open. By Default everything will be hidden.