
How You Get Notified

Enable or disable notifications across all record types delivered via email or mobile app.


Choose whether any alert emails are sent to This does not disable emails from essential system communications like password reset and user invitations.

Mobile App

Choose whether you receive any mobile push notifications. These can also be configured in FMS Go settings.

What You Get Notified About

Set watching rules and set preferences for individual record types


Notification Event :

Comment Mention

When another user mentions you in a comment on a record


You are watching 0 vehicles
Automatically watch new vehicles

When enabled, you will automatically be added as a watcher on new vehicles added to FMS (that you can access). You can always manually watch individual Vehicles by clicking the Watch button.

Automatically watch new Records

When enabled, you will automatically watch new records like Issues on your watched vehicles. If you only want to receive notifications when these associated records are created, keep this setting disabled, and use the individual “Created” settings in each module below instead. You can always manually watch individual records by clicking the Watch button.

Automatically watch/unwatch existing reminders

When enabled, you will automatically be added as a watcher on existing Service Reminders & Vehicle Renewal Reminders for vehicles you are watching. Once you unwatch the vehicle you will be removed from all reminders.

Watched Vehicle Groups

You will automatically watch or unwatch vehicles as they enter or leave these groups.

Vehicle Notifications

Enable or disable specific notifications about your watched Vehicles

Notification Event :

Vehicle Assignment Commented

When vehicle assignment comments are added by other users

Vehicle Assigned to Me

When a vehicle is assigned to me by other users

Vehicle Commented

When vehicle comments are added by other users

Vehicle Status Changed

When a vehicle status is changed by other users

Vehicle Watch

When you start watching a vehicle

Vehicle Unwatch

When you stop watching a vehicle


You are watching 0 Issues
Issue Notifications

Enable or disable specific notifications about your watched issues

Notification Event :

Issue Created

When an issue is created by other users on vehicles you are watching. With this setting enabled, you do not automatically watch the issue.

Issue Assigned to Me

When a Issue is assigned to me by other users

Issue Commented

When Issue comments are added by other users

Issue Resolved

When a vehicle status is changed by other users

Issue Closed

When an issue is closed by other users

Overdue Issues Summary

Receive a summary email of all Overdue Issues you are watching. Email will be sent out each day at 7:00 am.

Service Entries

You are watching 2 Service Entries
Service Entry Notifications

Enable or disable specific notifications about your watched service entries

Notification Event :

Service Entry Commented

When service entry comments are added by other users

Service Reminders

You are watching 6 Service Reminders
Service Reminders Notifications

Enable or disable specific notifications about your watched service Reminders

Notification Event :

Service Reminder Created

When a service reminder is created by other users on vehicles you are watching. With this setting enabled, you do not automatically watch the service reminder

Service Reminder Commented

When service reminder comments are added by other users

Service Reminder Due Soon

Receive one notification per Due Soon you are watching. Notifications will send at 7:00 am after a reminder becomes Due Soon and then weekly until the reminder is resolved.

Service Reminder Overdue

Receive one notification per Overdue you are watching. Notifications will send at 7:00 am after a reminder becomes Overdue and then weekly until the reminder is resolved

Vehicle Summary

Receive one notification per Overdue you are watching. Notifications will send at 7:00 am after a reminder becomes Overdue and then weekly until the reminder is resolved

Vehicle Reminders

You are watching 0 vehicle renewal reminders
Vehicle Reminder Notifications

Enable or disable specific notifications about your watched vehicle reminders

Notification Event :

Vehicle Renewal Reminder Created

When a vehicle renewal reminder is created by other users on vehicles you are watching. With this setting enabled, you do not automatically watch the vehicle renewal reminder

Vehicle Renewal Reminder Commented

When service reminder comments are added by other users

Vehicle Renewal Reminder Due Soon

Receive one notification per Due Soon you are watching. Notifications will send at 7:00 am after a reminder becomes Due Soon and then weekly until the reminder is resolved.

Vehicle Renewal Reminder Overdue

Receive one notification per Overdue you are watching. Notifications will send at 7:00 am after a reminder becomes Overdue and then weekly until the reminder is resolved.